Online job portal with magnifier

Job Portal

Online job portal with magnifier
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Job offers of our partner companies and organizations

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    1. Abschlussarbeiten
      1 Element
      Modification date:
      Creation date:
    2. Festanstellungen
      38 Elements
      Modification date:
      Creation date:
    3. Praktika
      20 Elements
      Modification date:
      Creation date:
    4. Studentische und Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte _ Werkstudenten

      Studiengänge: alle Standorte: Unterföhring, München, Karlsruhe, Schweiz, Ungarn, Australien, Estland, UK

      29 Elements
      Modification date:
      Creation date:
    5. Trainees_Volontariat
      7 Elements
      Modification date:
      Creation date:

Are you interested in doing an internship abroad? The International Office will provide you with information. Furthermore, the office EU-Praktikum Thüringen can advise you on available programmes and funding possibilities.

  • Schiller bust in front of university's main building
    Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
    Job marketde

    of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena